A spot will be held for your child to attend the program Monday through Friday every week. You can choose morning sessions, afternoon sessions, or both. If you choose not to send your child 5 days, please indicate on the registration form which days they will be attending every week. We MUST be notified ahead of time if your child will not be attending the program for the day, or if they need to be added last minute to an additional day. You will be charged the full weekly tuition for mornings and/or afternoons whether your child attends or not, as this will always guarantee space for your child on those days.

Weekly Tuition Fees

Morning Program: VES/CRES $60 per week, Middle School $30 per week

Afternoon Program: VES/CRES $135 per week (includes snack), Middle School $115 per week (includes snack)


Annual Registration – Before your child begins at P.A.L., all forms must be filled out completely before your spot is confirmed and emailed with all required documents.

Tuition Express Form & MyProcare Portal – The Tuition Express Form (included within Registration packet) must be filled out with a valid bank account or Credit/Debit Card to be kept on file. MyProcare Portal is a free online portal for you to access account information and end-of-year tax information.

Tuition Payments: Tuition payments will be automatically charged weekly to your account on file for the following week’s tuition. If your payment is rejected due to your card being compromised, being over the limit, or if the card expiration date passes, you are responsible to update your account prior to the withdrawal of next week’s funds – otherwise your service for the next week may be suspended until your account is updated. We must receive a new Tuition Express Form with any updates to your account information. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for the $45 Non-Sufficient Funds fee.

Registration Form & Fees – Once you have emailed your completed registration form, you will receive a confirmation email stating that your spot in the program is secured OR waitlisted. The Registration fee, Tuition Security Deposit and the first week’s tuition will then be automatically charged to your account on file within two weeks prior to your child’s start date.

Fees charged at that time will include a non-refundable $50.00 registration fee ($10.00 for each additional child) as well as a $135.00 refundable Tuition Security Deposit (per family). The Tuition Security Deposit will be held until the end of your contract and will be refunded back to your account in June. If at that time your account is not in good standing or not paid in full, your deposit will not be returned and will be deducted from your outstanding balance.

Late Fee – $5.00 per minute, per family, for every minute after 6:00 pm.

No Call Fee – $10.00 per child

Non-Sufficient Funds Fee – $45.00 will be charged when automatic deduction payments do not clear, due to insufficient funds from your account that we have on file.


  • Tuition payments will be automatically charged weekly to your account on file for the following week’s tuition. Tuition is typically charged on Fridays, but due to Holidays or any unforeseen circumstances, you may not see tuition charged to your account until Monday or Tuesday. You are responsible for having funds available for withdrawal. Cash and Check payments are not accepted.
  • Parents/Guardians will be responsible for the $45 Non-Sufficient Funds fee. If we have made several attempts to contact you regarding your account and have had no response, the Directors may decide that suspension or removal from the program is necessary.
  • A two-week notice is necessary for Withdrawal Notices (and very appreciated for schedule changes). If you fail to give a two-week notice, you will be responsible for paying your original contracted schedule for those first two weeks.

For billing questions please email lauragilchrest.pal@gmail.com.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available. No child is denied enrollment because of inability to pay full tuition. Read more in our Financial Assistance Program Information Packet HERE.


In order for PAL to keep the cost of the program down we ask each family to participate in our fundraisers. An estimated $5,000.00 must be raised by the end of the school year. Any family who does not wish to participate in the fundraisers will be billed $100.00. As a non-profit organization these fundraisers are crucial to our success. You may opt out of the fundraising by making your $100.00 donation instead.


P.A.L. is in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. P.A.L. does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including transgender status and gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status, in employment, education, and all other programs and activities.

Reporting Abuse

All staff members are obligated to report suspected child abuse to the Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-452-1999.

Reporting Licensing Violations

Suspected violations can be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services Child Care Licensing Unit: 207-287-9300.


Located in York ME


For Registrations, questions/concerns & changes, contact Nancy Conrad: ThePALprogram@gmail.com

For billing questions / financial aid, contact Laura Gilchrest: lauragilchrest.pal@gmail.com






Print and return form to a staff member or email it to: ThePALprogram@gmail.com. Please see the section on schedule changes in the Handbook for more information.




  • PAL follows the York school schedule.
  • PAL does NOT operate during school vacations and snow days.
  • Should there be a school delay, morning PAL will be closed, afternoon PAL will resume as scheduled.
  • If school is cancelled for the day or there is a weather related/unplanned early release, PAL will be cancelled as well.


Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.


Please contact Co-Director Laura Gilchrest with any questions: lauragilchrest.pal@gmail.com